Blazer für Damen
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+ GERINGER BESTANDBalenciagaFließendes Blazer-Logo 2.500 € / -
+ Saint LaurentBlazer aus Guipure-Spitze 4.400 € / -
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+ McQueenKrepp-Peak-Jacke 1.890 € / -
+ Victoria BeckhamBlazer Smoking Chal 1.350 € / -
+ Tom FordWallis Smoking-Blazer 3.850 € / -
+ ChloéMaßgeschneiderte Jacke aus Wolle 2.590 € / -
+ BalmainStrukturierter Blazer Spencer 2.650 € / -
+ Max MaraSafari-Trenchcoat Pulvino 1.025 € / -
+ GivenchyBikerjacke aus Leder 4.990 € /
They can be worn with shirts, blouses, T-shirts and sweaters. In this section you'll find women's blazers that you can wear when you go out for a stroll, to work or to a party.