Tom Ford für Damen
+ Tom FordÄrmellose Bluse 1.590 € / -
+ Tom FordMaxi-Knotenkleid 2.490 € / -
+ Tom FordJacquard-Slip mit Logo 110 € / -
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+ Tom FordGeknöpfte Strickjacke 1.490 € / -
+ Tom FordCargohose Pyjama 1.190 € / -
+ Tom FordTop Bralette Logo 155 € / -
+ Tom FordBoxershorts aus Seide 240 € / -
+ Tom FordElastische Seidenshorts 370 € / -
+ Tom FordBoxershorts aus Seide 240 € / -
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+ Tom FordBikini mit Blumenmuster 890 € / -
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+ Tom FordHalbtransparente Seidenbluse 1.100 € / -
Tom Ford women's clothing is synonymous with modern luxury, sensuality and sophistication, designed to highlight elegance and confidence in each piece. Tom Ford's designs usually play with structured silhouettes and high-quality materials, such as silks, leather, velvet and satin.